Timber Flooring Specialists
Residential Flooring
If you're seeking the ideal finish for your home and wondering which flooring type can provide a unique, quality feel, timber flooring is an excellent choice. For centuries, timber flooring has been the preferred option for homes exuding distinction, quality, and style.
Why Choose Timber Flooring?
There are numerous reasons to select timber flooring for your home, including:
Timber is durable and long-lasting.
It offers a wide variety of timbers and styles.
Timber flooring is environmentally friendly, sourced from sustainable forestry.
Most importantly, you'll love coming home to your beautiful new timber floors.
With so many compelling reasons to choose timber, it's no surprise that clients from Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula, Surf Coast, and beyond turn to Creative Flooring Solutions for their timber flooring needs.
Choosing the Right Timber Floor
Once you've decided to invest in quality timber flooring, you may have questions such as:
What type of timber floor should you choose?
Which style of timber floor will complement your home?
What timber species aligns with your desired style and design?
Should you opt for a unique design, and if so, will you create it or consult an expert?
We understand you may not have all the answers. The key is that we are local experts in residential timber flooring, with over 50 years of experience assisting clients in the Geelong area.
Get Started Today
Need help deciding on the right timber flooring for your home? Contact us to discuss your options, explore design ideas, and receive a no-obligation quote for your new timber floors. Simply request a quote to begin!